i claim there ain't another saint
As their luck would fare, the fire had been reduced to nothing more than a smouldering pile of ash and hot coals… but far from unusable. He watched Legacy poke at it for a moment, the thoughts of how to get it going again only coming to him when the girl had looked in his direction in a question way. “It needs tinder,” he said, gaze drifting from the young girl to the hot glow of the coal. “I'll get some, just wait here.”

Not wasting a moment on the off-chance that said coal would burn out, Valentine headed for the storage, nimbly reaching it with a few long strides around the worn corners of the cavern and feelingly blindly in the dark for a log. He grabbed a couple of them, pulling at the dry bark that still clung onto the dry wood, coming back into the sitting room and setting them down next to him as he sank to his knees beside the fire. “I guess whoever usually keeps the fire going slipped up today, but it's not too hard to get it going again,” he went on to say, not thinking about who it had been who had been keeping said fire going, “but you take something dry, like grass or fluff from a cattail or bark like this and put it over the top of the coal.” Following his own instructions, he did so.

“But don't dump a whole bunch on there, since you don't want to smother it. Then what you do is cup your hands near it and blow on it lightly. If you do it just right and enough, you'll get a flame going again. Then you can add more tinder to the pile bit by bit, then the log.” Once that was out, he did his best to emulate just how he had done it once or twice before, working gingerly and quickly at trying to get the fire going again. It took a moment or two, but the smoke did start to rise from beneath the dry tinder. He withdrew for a moment before giving it another prod of air and just like magic—a small fire flared up. Adding a few bits of tinder to it, he shuffled it back towards the remnants of what was left of the previous fire.

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