So why don't you sing to me

they should go for a ride!! xD

Heath was not upset that he had not won the race, not any more. At the moment he passed the finish line he had wished he had been the first to do so. He had wanted to win, and win it for her. But Third place was not something to be shamed of and as she stood before him it hard to feel like he had lost anything. His heart jumped in his chest just by her presence, and what happened mere moments before her arrival were trivial and lost in the past. “Haven rode well. He deserves to win... I hope that he does too.” Heath had noticed his sour mood, but what it was about was a mystery to the tawny male. When Ruri turned to the mare that stood beside them Heath was more then happy to explain the meaning behind her name. “It means light, in French.” he told her, though he was still reluctant to speak about the things that had led to their introduction. The fight between he and the Dreaming female was not something that he hoped Ruri to know.

He smiled, as she took his hand. She did not flinch at his touch, and instead embraced it. Never had he been so tentative about the actions that he made while with another. His heart raced, and if she had not begun to speak Heath was not sure what his next action would have been. His smiled widened at the sound of her voice and the multitude of words that she spoke. He wondered if he had that affect on her. “Maybe I should have rescued you.” he replied, not sure what he meant to by the words but unable to hold them back. The red tint of her ivory face made his own grow warm. But when she asked to meet the mare that he road Heath pulled lightly on the hand that he held.

Not giving up the small contact he urged her forward. “Of course.” His voice filled with a small sort of excitement. He had wanted to bring the roan mare around Ruri’s cabin, but could not find the courage to bring the two more important females in his life together. Now he had no excuse. He led her close to the calm horse, and Lumière extended her nose to investigate the collie fey. Heath gave her a look, hoping that she would behave herself. “She is a blue merle, a roan. Like you.” He spoke with hesitation. Heath knew that she would not be able to tell, and had never known what she looked like herself. Still he wanted her to know.

Stark pushed his head from the stall window, straining to get close to the new female. He breathed closed to her ear and took in the pleasant scent that she held. “And that is Stark.” Heath added, glaring at the young stallion.



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