the fragile kingdom fall.
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    The coyote woman was beginning to see there was no escaping the subject. What was the harm, what was the hurt in keeping him alive in some form or another? He had meant so much to her, and she was the only one now who would even recognize his name—save for the scant few of her family with whom she'd shared his saga. Still, here was his spitting fucking ghost in her face, touching her, talking to her, and her mind was elsewhere, lost on that tiny island with her sable lover, their pelts rubbing against each other as they ran together, their cries in the hot summer night. Her golden eye blinked rapidly, and a different creature entirely peered back at Adonis.

    Thinking of him for too long always depressed her, and this stranger's similarity to him was doing her no good. Her sable ears folded back into her silvery mane, and the anger evaporated at once, dissipating into an endless sadness that seemed to permeate the very air around her. His words had hardly registered on her ears, that quiet, small thing taking over the fiery hybrid at once. There was that rare weakness showing in her now, that hurt side of herself she attempted to hide. Most of the time it worked well for her, but there was only so much pressure that facade could withstand before it cracked, only so much more prodding before it shattered into a million tiny pieces.

    "He was my first," she admitted. She did not consider any of the previous sexual encounters she'd experienced to Zulifer "love," not by a long shot. The quarter-coyote half-brother who'd raped her and stolen her virginity certainly hadn't been a lover, nor any of the silly, young boys who'd followed him—no, Kaena Lykoi had not had a lover until she encountered the raven-furred, red-eyed wolf on the outskirts of Bleeding Souls. "He died six years ago, and he haunts me still," she said, her silvery head swiveling from the ground to peer right at the red-eyed wolf before her, an almost accusing look on her face. It died as her gaze locked with his, and again her chin fell to the floor, unable to meet his eyes. He was there, waiting for her.


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