Of rabbits, snowflakes, and Luperci

I Speak this, I

dream this, and I 'think'


You "said this"

Meer’s eyes widened as Deirdre said ‘werewolf’. Anderung almost had a flash back, remembering stories in the den, warning little pups not to go into the woods, about huge wolf monsters that could walk around like Men on two legs. The safety she had felt with her brother and mother, even her father at the time. ’Luperci are werewolves!?’ She thought. The she-wolf didn’t look like a monster. Anderung took a step back and nodded slowly. ”Oookay. Well, I guess we should find some deer then, huh? I can probably track one, unless you already know where a herd is?” Anderung was already testing the air, and looking around for a trail. She might not be the exceptional hunter, but she was pretty darned good at tracking. Maybe she would be acknowledged for that someday.



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