Step up to the Plate...RVH[aw]
Angel looked to the other fish she had caught and began to gut them of their innards as well. "Well, I do not recall, but I believe it was a young pup too afraid to leave the den. It was a pup of my former leaders of these lands. And as for Ember visiting, no she will not but it is I that will be going to her. I want to see her form again after not seeing it for some time and I sure miss her. She has been such a wonderful friend to me. I don't want to lose her again. I wonder if any of the others had survived as well... but it has been so long. I don't know who could be left anymore." Angel said sadly as she paused momentarily but started again as her foxen friend ate the innards of the fish. Finishing the last one, she thought this would perhaps be enough for a start and would catch a third later on. Watching Ty, Angel smiled. So he was trying a hand at cooking? Well done! Angel decided to show him a little bit of an easier way to cook the fish. Impaling the fish's sides with a long stick, she placed it over the small flames at an angle so she could grab the base without burning her hand. Doing this would make the fish cook faster and its smoke would seep into its flesh and make a nice smokey taste. This was all preference though however.

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