Lost in what seems to be reality.

.......ooc he trys to make up :3

Leroy felt a little better after he had talked to naniko, though even he was scared because he didn't love Ayita or at least not yet as well how would he be a father? Worries aside he knew he must provide for his family, family, the new meaning was a odd taste on his tongue. Not bad but strange. His usually hunting spots seemed to be lacking their usualy amount of deer and with Ayita at home he wanted to make sure she would be happy.

.......After some hours of stalking out prey before going into chase for the kill, Leroy sat down beside limp body of the young elk bull panting for air. Looking over at the dark colored elk Leroy felt a bit of pride fill his chest, though this meal could have been worse for him, licking at the small stab wound that was on his left shoulder and the small gash on his chest. Shifting to his two legged form Leroy picked up the large elk and headed back home, heading to Ayita.

....... Walk was fine but his wounds were sore but Leroy didn't let that bother him, ears forward the scent of his house was closer along with the sweet scent of Ayita. Pushing through the trees Leroy's red eyes searched out at the house, Ayita's form made a small smile pull on his lips as he shifted the elk on his shoulder. Groaning in pain for a moment Leroy headed towards Ayita with his reds looking to her blue ones, grabbing the antlers Leroy pulled the elk infront of him to present to Ayita as he slowed to a stop infront of the proch.
"I didn't mean to hurt you...Here"



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