he can, just by living, damage me beyond repair
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OOC: ::Word Count:: 500+

The blanched female listened to her friend's words, knowing that her attitude put the ebony Commander in a predicament; torn between the desire to believe the ultimate good that resided within Pilot, and the hopelessness that surrounded the white femme, Urma knew that her dark friend was at a loss as how better to deal with the current situation. The fair Crimson Dreamer felt directly responsible for Savina's inability to find any kind words that would not ring hollow, knowing that it was her attitude that caused this. Guilt crawled into her bones, nagging at her mind, reminding her of how understanding and patient the black she-wolf had been upon Urma's return, and felt the need to show as much gratitude as she could muster under the given conditions. That gratitude existed within the alabaster female, only the enveloping anguish Pilot's absence caused made it hard for her to let on. She hoped, however, that her friend would feel it behind her sometimes uncharacteristic outbursts and would forgive her for not showing the clear thankfulness that flowed, unseen, through her veins.

As the hesitant admittance left Savina's mouth, Urma felt another pang of something bordering happiness for the ebony female, and bitterness towards her current situation. It was good that Savina's relationship with Kansas had not suffered as much as, well, whatever Urma and Pilot's liaison could be called. She bore the obsidian she-wolf no grudges, could not reasonably see why she would be entitled to wish any sadness to befall her friend-- surely they could not be called friends if that were the case. However, Savina's words caused some stirring deep within the fair Crimson Dreamer-- although she had hinted some parts of their relationship had been somewhat unsteady, she hoped the trouble the Commander was referring to was something that had not affected the mated pair significantly, though her tone spoke of the contrary. Urma's ears pressed flat to her head, anxiety taking hold of her senses. Numbed by her own pain, the alabaster femme felt a wave of surprise wash over her at the realization that she had not lost her ability to empathize with those around her and thus put her own turmoil aside. She moved closer to her dark companion, her brilliantly gold gaze probably the best mirror of the sympathy she felt for her friend upon hearing that worries had washed upon the shores of her life as well. "I am sorry such happenings have sought you as well. Whatever difficulties you and Kansas have faced, it is not my business to pry in such delicate, personal matters. I can merely put forth my apologies for opening old wounds. I did not wish to sound unkind, and I am sorry to have brought back unhappy thoughts. I should not let my own troubles interfere with my ability to socialize." She heaved a sigh, allowing some of her pent-up disappointments to slowly disentangle themselves from her mind. "I am so tired of keeping away from others. I live my life all hollow on the inside, and no matter how sensible it seems to simply forbid it to control my life, I feel as if without this despair, I will be less than the little I already have become." The alabaster female sensed the weight behind her words, could almost anticipate their impact.


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