could've been the champagne [p]

Damn, dude!! I haven't been able to write posts like that since... years ago, when everyone did it. XDDD LOL @ Awkward. >_>

#$%@There it was--Princess. A puzzled look appeared on his face, though it was followed by a hearty laugh that was actually fairly warm, not mocking or unkind. "A Princess and her Knight, eh? Well I don't know who could blame you then, that's just perfect! Ha!" It seemed rather fitting for the young girl; she seemed rather dainty and feminine, and he had no doubt when she grew up she would be quite the looker. Already she was well-grown into her youthful body (perhaps her small stature had, in some ways, spared her from the "leggy," disproportionate stage of development), though he couldn't quite wrap his head around that. It was still a bit bizarre, even knowing she was obviously sexually active. He grinned anyway, shaking his head. "No, Haven is a good kid, too. He seemed pretty responsible and down to earth when I met him, at least," he said with a roll of his shoulders, not even pausing to consider she might find it odd he was acquainted with her lover.

#$%@He grew more serious, though, as the worry crept into her tone. He frowned slightly and muttered quietly, thinking aloud. "Well, let's see... my daughter now is a little over two. And... my granddaughter is almost eight months. Pregnancies last about two, so my daughter was only about three or four months older than you when it happened." He'd never actually thought about the numbers before, and now that he had, he was stunned. It was a sobering revelation, and one that rather frankly spoke of his poor parenting skills. Then again, that was no mystery or secret to anyone--himself included--and this wasn't the time to focus on himself. "Anyway, if you haven't felt funny since, you're probably fine. It's actually really easy to tell when you're likely to get pregnant.. it can only happen once a year." Was it odd he was having "the talk" with her, when he'd never even had it with any of his own kids? Shit, maybe he should be hitting up Valkyrie soon so she didn't have to lose her youth like her mother had. Needless to say, nobody had ever sat him down to flesh it all out--everything he knew was from personal experience.

#$%@"It should be obvious when that is, anyway. You.. uh.." he coughed softly, clearing his throat. "You kinda... bleed out down there," he said, jerking his snout to her posterior before turning his gaze away to the very far distance behind her just as quickly, dark-tipped ears pressed against his head awkwardly (and apologetically). He didn't particularly want to embarrass her, but she had asked and she had a right to know. Weren't girls' mothers supposed to tell them these sorts of things? Come to think of it, weren't girls supposed to tell their mothers about all of their boy drama, too? He almost suggested it before thinking better of it. Obviously he had no way of knowing of the girl's strained relationship with her mother, but there was always the possibility that she'd been abandoned (like some of his kids) or adopted, or even that her mum had met an untimely death. If only he knew.

table by Amber <3

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