the devil's water, it ain't so sweet

SO sorry for the wait Sad(

........She nodded as the other spoke, although she had not heard of this Savina before. She didn't know anyone and had hardly heard names outside her blood line. In time she would likely have picked up the name since she'd included herself in the Sadira bloodline (and Mew had made a hobby out of knowing every name in it), but the litter was probably too fresh. And, she was too uninterested. There were times when she craved new knowledge, and times when she ignored everything - and lately, she'd not done anything to learn new things. Finding a need to respond somehow, Mew uttered a insignificant sentence, simply taking part in the act of conversation. It was nothing more than a sideline sound to show the female that she was paying attention.

........I see.

........Geneva continued to speak, and while her heart was heavy on her chest, she maintained her stance and smile. Actually, that smile broadened now, turning into a more excited-looking grin. Though, she was surprised that anyone on Firefly's page of the family was considered 'kind', she said nothing of that. It could very well be true - just look at Cercelee and Slay!

........You know, I might do that. I know the names of most of my family members, and sometimes a little more - but I rarely know the person below that superficial layer. He's my cousin, after all, Kansas.

Table by Sace/Hemming. Thanks! Big Grin

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