careening shamelessly into oblivion
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It's totally fine!

The boy definitely liked the sound of that title. "Il Re del Piomba!" he exclaimed after his uncle did, a wide grin on his maw and his tail flopping wildly from side to side. It was exciting to hear that all his practicing had paid off, and Gotham was determined to continue just as Ehno had suggested until he was pouncing royalty. Though he wanted to be very good at sneaking around, the main reason the pup did it was because it was just so much fun! When he was being stealthy he felt as if he was some kind of creature hunting a prey more dangerous and more intelligent than anything that roamed the earth. The secrecy of it all made adrenaline slip into his veins and he found it very, very exciting.

After the thrill of the prospect of becoming the King of the Pounce, there was even more excitement! Exploring was fun by oneself, but it would be even better with Uncle Ehno. As he leaned closer, Gotham's tail wagged almost uncontrollably, shaking his entire back half around in the air. Somehow the fact that he was whispering made it even more titillating, and though the pup tried to whisper back his voice turned out to be quite loud and rather startling compared to the relative silence of the world they were surrounded by. After shouting his "Si!" and cowering a little because of the noise he had made, he peered sheepishly into his uncle's eyes. He knew that if he wanted to be sneaky he couldn't let his enthusiasm manifest itself so loudly. Taking a deep breath and nodding a little to show that he had collected himself, he turned his head to peer at the strange buildings.

He would let his uncle take the first step, because even though he wouldn't admit it he was just a little bit nervous. Around his sisters he took the role of a brave knight, but because he knew that adults were even more brave than him he adopted a more careful disposition. He didn't need to be bold for them.

Requiem made this ♥

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