Out for Lunch
"Oh! My apologies then, It's a fairly rare sight to find a full blooded anything these days, I'm afraid." Ty said with a small chuckle, although now he could see that the dog had a certain body and facial type of a dog, not a wolf, of course husky was pretty hard to distinguish without a bit of scrutiny, and Ty was never one for really looking at a canine's background anyhow. Ty had seen full blooded dogs before, but not many, only the bigger breeds survived anyhow. Poodles, Maltese, little dogs had all but died out when the humans did, but there were a few breeds that survived, miraculously. Ty felt embarrassed he hadn't seen it at first the way Lysander had put it so bluntly, but he decided he wasn't the best guesser of that sort of thing anyhow and shrugged it off.

when asked about how they defend the pack, Ty actually had a pretty good idea about that answer. He had been a scout and a boarder warden, and was well aware of the dangers. "You mean from the other packs around here? They aren't much bigger then our own." Ty said matter-of-factly. "And many of them aren't vicious or threatening at all, except for Inferni, but I don't honestly think they will wage any sort of full-scale attack on us, as it wouldn't be worth the bloodshed it would cause. Of course it doesn't hurt to be careful around them." He sat down thinking more on the matter, there were other threats, such as a puma or grizzly bear, but they really couldn't be avoided like the other packs could. "The biggest threat would be something along the lines of more human wolves coming in from the sea, or a bigger pack trying to move in from the mainland. In that case, we don't have a defense, unless we ban with the other packs."

He knew he had again spoken before Geneva, but this time he knew he had more information about war, battle, and tactics then the leader did. She would not mind him speaking about this one, of course, she hadn't minded him speaking at all.

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