So why don't you sing to me

Ruri stood and listened quietly after Heath released her hand. She heard Heath bringing Stark out of his stall, noted by the 'clop clop' sound of the stallion's hooves. Then she heard Heath moving something into place only before he came and led her towards it. She wasn't sure what it was until he told her that they were stairs. That made sense, she wasn't tall enough to get on a horse by herself, so she would climb the stairs and then get on Stark's back. With her hands resting gently on the railing to steady herself, the delicate female slowly climbed the stairs until her hands came to rest on the blanket atop Stark's back. Once she knew where the horse was exactly, Ruri slowly started to mount the horse, albeit with a little difficulty. She almost didn't make it all the way up but she quickly felt Heath's hands on her waist lifting her the rest of the way onto the horse before setting her down ever so gently. The few seconds that he held her made her inhale in slight surprise. She had thought she was going to fall, until she felt two strong hands lifting her back up. She felt relieved and happy, both to be safe and to be held by Heath, something she was beginning to crave more and more. After settling herself atop Stark's back, her tail wagging behind her eagerly, she smiled in the direction of the coy-wolf, as a gesture of thanks. "Thank you for the help. I've never been on a horse before, so I wasn't sure how to get on really," she stuttered, eagerly waiting for Heath to get on so that they could start their ride. She wanted to feel what it was like to ride such a powerful animal. Even more so, she wanted to wrap her arms around Heath and hold on tight. Putting those things together in the same activity, would only make it better.




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