Lean on me
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Haven was his own worst enemy in this situation. No matter what Ruri said immediately he came up with some negative retort in his mind to undermine her. He wanted to clap his hands over his ears and yell for his mind to shut up and leave him be. He was drowning in all these emotions and he needed the lifeline that she was trying to throw him and yet whenever he tried to reach for it he stopped his hand himself. It wasn't fair to him and it sure as hell wasn't fair to Ruri. The blind girl was trying to do so much for him, even putting aside her own issues to do all she could to comfort him. He felt her hand hold the back of his head and he leaned his head against her own. He clenched his jaw shut, determined to stop letting the negative thoughts escape through his mouth. They needed to stop. He needed to listen to her.

The male felt the slender collie tense as he turned on himself and he knew that she was scared for him. She was scared that he would revert back to that sorry state he had been in when they had first met. Haven didn't want that, not at all, and yet he could feel the weight on him, pulling him down. The new, reinforced words that began to pour from his friend though stopped that descent. His aching heart skipped a beat and he clung to his words like the drowning man he was. It was not your fault... You are good enough. Those were the words that penetrated and he held close to his chest. He had to make himself believe that. If he couldn't then he was lost. He needed to believe, he needed to trust her and believe the words she was speaking so passionately.

He let her last speech filter into him, clinging to her praises of him and her belief that he would find love. The broken boy still didn't know if he really believed it, but he wasn't going to argue it anymore. He didn't have the strength and he didn't have the desire. He wanted to believe Ruri. He wanted what she said to him to be true. The Knight sat there embraced with his friend for a few more silent moments before he hugged her tight again. "Thank you Ruri...for believing in me..." he said softly. At leas this pack still believed in him, even if he didn't right now.


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