Won't you (get on your knees) have faith
Ooc- Sorry for my sooper late fail :<

Husk gave "Anoou" a frown, knowing she was trying to tell him she couldn't read the small note in his hands. Maybe she knew someone who could read! The thought made the masked wolf smile again. There had to be someone who could read at all, even if they weren't that good. His eyes strayed however, to the shards of the broken pendant that lay on the ground. His frown returned, sad he didn't have something to wear anymore. He picked up the shard still attached to the thread, looking back up at the female with the broken necklace in his closed palm.

She spoke again, making out the words "Family" and "Here". Husk could definitely answer that. He shook his head from side to side wildly, his mask almost coming loose from the belt that held it in place. His lidless eyes darted around to the trees and quickly back to the grey wolf. He was getting a little distracted, probably he couldn't properly talk to his newfound friend.

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