So why don't you sing to me

The silver and blue collie fey relaxed as he sat behind her. Her comfort was obvious, and the ease of her riding showed that she was indeed a natural as he had said. But Heath found it hard to find such relaxation. He worried, worried that she would fall though he would never allow it. Worried that he was too close, that she was uncomfortable in front of him and that he had stepped beyond the line that her innocence and his caution had drawn between them. But, as the horse strode out into the day’s light, and the rhythm of the hoofed beast moved beneath the pair Heath began to loose the exterior that he had built. This was his element, his place and he found that no mater the lines that had been drawn before they had been erased the moment she wished to share this with him. It wasn’t easy to read the woman, for he had never yearned to know another’s thoughts so badly in his life. But, once he let the barrier fall and truly felt the way she formed against him it was impossible to believe that she wanted to be anywhere else. Heath certainly didn’t.

His heart beat, wildly. Harder and faster then it had as he and Lumière raced down the track. They turned though the fenced areas at the slowest of walks, Stark taming his energy and eagerness to gallop, and obeying as he always did. And still Heath found it exhilarating. Ruri let her hands moved along the pale stallion’s neck, and then spoke her desire. The tawny male smiled, pulling slightly on the leather that led to the bridle around Stark’s head. They turned, and Heath spoke a simple, “Of course.”, his smile apparent in his tone. He had thought of it too, the ocean and the beauty of it. Again and again he wished that she would be able to see, but slowly he was adjusting to the fact that she would never. The woman had her own way to take in the world, it was not his and the male needed to accept that he could only give her so much, when he wanted to give her everything. He had ridden Stark to the shore, and knew the route well and the tall horse meandered towards the shore slightly faster then he had traveling among the stables. He spoke, with a wondering tone and finding that he had grown far more comfortable with the lack of distance between them. “Jac’s foal is funny, isn’t she? Everyone is glad he is back, a race was a good idea.” he spoke idly, not wanting silence to accent the fact that they had settled so closely together. Speaking of Jac was easy and painful all at once for the male, but he wanted to know everything she felt for the King and not knowing was always worse.



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