dancing my heart away
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An imperceptible smile moved across her quiet lips. The woad bound female was silent only for a brief moment after the dying of the female’s voice. "There are many who seek homes," the soft melody replied. And she did not make the formal use of the fae with blue eyes, for a name and an introduction was not get given. "What has moved you to seek a home here?" There were many other packs, and while Cwmfen herself had found Dahlia de Mai as such that she had sworn her loyalty to the pack and to the Rosea, she knew that not all creatures found the same thing within the flower pack. Many had left, some to another pack. Some, even, had been exiled. The white orbs held the downcast gaze with untroubled ease, her quiet presence not demanding but commanding respect. And this girl had given it easily, had made her body display it even before the Adonis had happened upon her. Such a thing had already shown the quiet warrior much.

The woad-marked fae considered the other at those final words, and the woad-bound ears swiveled slightly as if to catch a sound in the silence. "How will you be there for others," the alto melody queried, her head tilting almost imperceptibly in question. Did the girl wish to simply join the pack, contributing it in a social manner? Or did she seek also to gain a co-rank once the proper rank as received? Dahlia was most definitely in need of a healer, but how much the younger wolf knew the warrior did not know. How much the girl was willing to learn, and what the girl was willing to uptake was known to an even lesser extent. But the warrior was patient, as was Dahlia, and, should the girl be accepted, Dahlia would wait and watch. "Is that what you come to offer Dahlia?" Or is there more?


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