Bloodshot fireclouds in your eyes

OOC: Yup, they were going to talk about lowspeech. And nah, my post isn't any better either T_T || *Firefly was the one who lied about her name Smile ::Word Count:: 500+

The pearl femme listened to the ebony female, realizing that she would have to break the sad news of Naniko's departure. In a way she was glad it had been her that the Aniwayan had stumbled upon-- another Crimson Dreamer might have been hostile to Naniko's friends, or otherwise not know much about her current whereabouts. However, the ivory-pelted she-wolf knew of her friend's departure from the city, and she only wanted to offer the recent Phoenix Valley member time to birth in peace, before going to visit her. Just as she was about to open her mouth and speak, her mind finally realized the name the stranger had given. From deep within her, the familiarity of it brought back her memories of an encounter to a wolf bearing this name outside the boundaries of Shadowed Sun. Yet the two wolves, the one then and the one now, looked completely different, from the little Urma could remember. Not to mention the encounters were different altogether-- that she-wolf had been hostile, had threatened and mocked her.

Had it not been for the mention of Kansas' name, who felt a sure-enough choice as to the truth behind the stranger's words, Urma would have probably been much more wary. As it stood, she decided she had no reason to be unwelcoming so far. "I'm sorry... I once met a wolf, more like Kansas in appearance than you, and she introduced herself as Ember Phoenix*. It's what my momentary confusion was all about." Now that she had put that worry away, she could concentrate on explaining Naniko's absence. "As for Naniko, yes, I do know her. She's a good friend of mine. But I'm afraid she no longer lives here. For a while she lived in the city, but now I'm pretty sure you'll find her in Phoenix Valley. She's due to have pups sometime soon, and needed a safer home than Halifax." She couldn't think of an impersonal way of saying what she had just said. It was unfair to have to try to explain what had happened, when there wasn't much she felt she could explain. It had been an accident, and somehow it had gotten more complicated than mistakes should ever have to get, and now it had led to an uncomfortable situation that set families apart and made wolves make choices Urma did not envy them for having to make.

The alabaster femme watched with curiousity the beads and feathers in the obsidian female's hair, reminding her of her own hair decorations for when she chose her Optime form. Now, however, steadily in her Lupus form, she relished the liberty of four legs and the familiarity of her pose. Although now she had gotten more and more used to a two-legged stance, especially because of the small modifications she could make just to entertain herself, the ground felt more real, more solid under four paws. Her own pace was somehow much more sure of itself, and she could step with a greater certainty that her legs would respond faster to any action needed of them, be it running or falling in pace with someone or purposefully lagging behind. The Aniwayan's hair decorations clinked peacefully against each other, seemingly as if to pick up a tune from times long ago.


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