With or without you
Yeah D:

Maybe she had gone too far with the joke about naughty puppies. She wouldn't really ever hit a puppy...not even if it was being really bad. She didn't like the idea of causing a puppy pain. They would recieve enough pain as they grew up, got older. Emotional pain, physical pain, mental pain...she'd had her fair share of all of those. She wanted pups to stay like pups forever...to be little, innocent things.

"You want to come back and see what else I have? I have some little things that you could even learn to weild" If he did ever meet someone who wanted to hurt him, then he could defend himself. She did know Jazper...she hadn't had a very good encounter with him in the past. Maybe he'd changed. "I met Jazper once...he tried to fight with me for being in Crimson Dreams, when I'd been invited there. But he didn't know that...so I guess it was okay for him to do that. But do you want something like that? You don't have to use it if you don't want, but I could show you how just in case."


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