victory's within the mile

     Grimsley was so wrapped up in his newly discovered slice of heaven that he had neglected to stay alert and notice the company he had. Perhaps it had been foolish of him to think his spot was such a fine catch, certainly a place like this was not unheard of in these parts. Still, company was always welcome and he was glad to see his companion was a friendly sort, for she had already initiated conversation.

     "Hey," he said coolly, watching her approach in a casual breaststroke, immediately surveying her. She appeared to be a bit older than he, though not by too much, and judging by her friendly chatter, was not a threat. Offering her a smile, Grims proceeded to answer her questions, "It is a very nice day, I've only been here a short while, this water offers a beautiful release from the summer heat, wouldn't you say?" He winked at her before disappearing beneath the surface for a few brief moments. Suspended under the water, Grimsley felt as if time were slowed. His own heartbeat pounded in his ears, and all troubles seemed to drift away, until suddenly he broke the surface and life came rushing back at him.

    "I'm Grimsley by the way, and you are?" Introductions were always good.


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