ignorance is your new best friend
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Somewhere in the back of her mind she realized that her brother's actions were a bit off. It wasn't what she would have expected of Ehno. She knew him so well and could almost imagine his actions in any situation. A red flag went up, but she missed it for now. Perhaps her subconscious was trying to shield her from the inevitable pain that was about to descend over her. Part of it was also just her blind faith in her sibling. Ehno and she had always been as close as siblings ever got, their bond unbreakable. She trusted him completely and more than any other individual (even her mate, though it was a very close call). The thought that he would ever hurt her never occurred to her. He loved her far too much to ever do anything to betray that trust she held for him. It was really as simple as that to the Italian fey. He would never do something like that to her.

His words of thanks lacked something and her brow scrunched together to figure out why. Savina was still ignoring anything negative that could possibly surround this. Ehno knew that sleeping around wasn't good, what could come of it. They had themselves been a product of such a coupling and knew all too well what it was like. She wasn't for a moment placing any blame or judgment on their mother, but she had not even slept with Kansas until they had been mates. Sometimes even that was no guarantee, but having those relations outside of mateship...it was just asking for trouble. Besides, her brother was a gentleman, not the type to just hop in bed with anyone. As far as she knew, he had never even been with any female.

He began to talk and her ears pressed forward, waiting anxiously to hear the name of the mother of his children. In those short moments she tried to imagine what her brother's love would be like, coming up with a picture of the perfect woman for him. Though when a name came that picture shattered into pieces that could never be recovered. Had she heard that right? No, no she must have misunderstood. But then it came again and it felt like a guillotine had dropped between them. Savina's ears flattened against her skull and her back pressed into the couch. Startled emeralds looked at her brother, shocked more by this news than anything she could imagine. Slender arms crossed against her chest as she could feel a frigid, taloned hand grip her heart. Oppressive silence closed around them and she sat there still as death. This couldn't be happening. He couldn't have done this. Not with her. Finally her voice squeaked out, "Perché?" Tears formed in her eyes, waiting to brim out onto her sooty cheeks.


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