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He had to think about it before he could answer her. Awenasa was beautiful, and generations of Kali's lived there. The territory looked very much like Jaded Shadows from the inside, actually. The difference, however, was that when one stepped out of Awenasa's borders, tribulation wasn't waiting to engulf you. This land was like a tar pit, full of people who didn't know they were caught until it was too late. But why did he stay? It was just in his soul, he supposed. "Sometimes," he admitted vaguely, "but I belong here, with you guys."
Endymion's heart nearly broke when he heard her reply. She was so young, but Legacy was already realizing the hate and fear that had always been bred here. It unsettled him, and he lay awake at night stewing over it. He sighed. "I know what you mean," he murmured, eyes distant again. The red wolf was silent for moments more, running his finger through the jagged parts of the carving, thinking. Then he turned his attention rather quickly to his sister.
"Did you have any more run-ins with that coyote pup?" He had forgotten all about that beastly child, and how he almost hurt her. Since she was able to shift, that meant he was able as well, and would be stronger. Yet another thing to worry about.


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