so many of us hide our black hearts.
326 words
HAHA. So i just realized that i coded half of my last post wrong and there were about three more dialogue sentences that didn't show Tongue also, sorry for the long wait...i've been in a slump :/

He tossed her a lopsided grin. "As long as you're staying careful. Don't the contractions hurt? I mean, wouldn't it be painful for you to have to travel while having those?" The happenings of childbirth were obviously vague and mysterious things to the young man, but the thoughts were quickly lost as his brow stitched in thought. He hadn't really thought her the type to not have a mate; she was certainly attractive enough to garner that sort of male attention. At the same time, it essentially made it alright for him to treat her like any other single woman, instead of tip-toeing through the tulips to make sure that he wouldn't offend her or her mate. He questioned her hesitantly, cocking his head. "Is he from a nearby pack?"

Kæ gave a half-grimace. "Things went...okay with Jefferson- I mean, I'm here, aren't I? But no, I haven't found a place to stay. I'm not exactly sure how it works around here, and I don't want to go barging into a place that's taken or off-limits, you know? Though I do suppose that it'd be kind of important in winter time. I don't really enjoy the thought of freezing to death."

He nodded, quiet for a moment as his gaze shifted back to the sheep. It was so calming, watching them, and he had never eaten sheep- just herded them, though surprisingly near his boyhood home there had been a small herd of feral ones. He smiled and turned once more, chocolate eyes sliding over Naniko's swollen belly before returning to her face. "Speaking of scarce," he began slowly, "I haven't seen much of anyone, not even Jefferson." He wasn't so much referring to that specific male so much as leaders in general. Or anyone, really. "Although I did meet two very nice women in the graveyard a few days ago," Kvæsir added. "One named Xeris, and another named Anya. Perhaps you know them?"


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