What a mess
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woftd. words 300+

It was a relief to hear that some of the others had been checking in on her, Ruri might not be a very close friend but she was a kind soul. A small chuckle passed his lips at her words, maybe she didn’t have any suitors yet but the thought amused him. Of all people to save her from the would be their faithful and utterly stubborn leader Jac, in this dogs mind at least.“Me?” Blinking Leroy’s red eyes looked at his blind friend, any pretty courts chasing after him? Shaking his head went unnoticed by the silver female as the hybrid thought of her question for a moment, eldritch enough he doesn’t think so. He knew how to bat his eyes when he had to.“Pretty ladies and me? Na, I have none of those chasing me. I’ve seen a few but none that I’ve taken a likening to, or one that seems willing to put p with me. I’m no where near as handsome as my voice.”

Deep voice rumbled in his throat like a warm honey, holding back the urge to laugh Leroy thumped his curly tail on the porch behind him. Smiling the husky winced for a brief moment because of the movement that pained his sore body.“They’ll show up sooner or later, you’ll have to bat them away with a stick.” Leroy’s voice was more tired as his body moved on the floor, claws clicking against the wood as his legs shifted to a stand. The open wounds were still slightly bleeding but it was noticeable that clotting had started. To anyone the patterned male looked worse then he really was, this is due to the white on his coat.“we can go inside if that’s better or you.”


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