So why don't you sing to me

ooc: Sorry for the delay...and the horrid post. I just wanted to get it done so I posted the first thing that popped into my crazy head.

The delicate female beamed with excitement as she felt Stark increase his pace, if only slightly, as they turned towards the beach. The blind border collie could already detect the faint scent of salt on the air with her enhanced sense of smell. Then Heath asked her about Rue and Ruri laughed lightly, nodding her head in agreement. "She certainly is. She tried to eat my hair when I first met her, but I still like her. It seems to me like Jac gets annoyed with her a lot, but he something about the little creature seems to always keep him interested. I doubt he'd admit it but I think he really likes her too," she replied, her tone saddening slightly as she spoke of Jac and Rue's relationship. Her emotionally sensitive mind had thrown out the idea that Jac behaved around Rue similarly to how he had behaved around Ruri when she was a pup. However, Jac had been far more overt with his affection for her as a pup and less overtly annoyed, although she was sure he had been annoyed fairly often with her constant needs.

Try as she might to toss the idea out, Ruri couldn't help but feel a tiny, dreadful thought poking at the back of her mind. Had Rue taken her place as Jac's companion? His visits had become far more scarce recently...but even at the race that day he had had Rue there. The delicate female almost sighed before she realized what she was doing to herself emotionally. Immediately the ivory and slate female did everything she could to block out the idea that Jac had replaced her with Rue. She was with Heath right now, and nothing would take her mind away from that fact. "The race was definitely a good idea. Not only has our pack made more friends, but I'd bet Jac satisfied his need for entertainment for awhile. He's like that...he gets bored with everyday life and just has to start something to break up what he considers the monotony of life. However, it does seem to take him longer to get bored now that we live here. I guess he has more things to keep him occupied." She trailed off again as that horrid thought surged forth through the barriers she had built around it. Was that why Jac wasn't visiting as often? Had he found better things to do than come see her?

No! She couldn't think that way! Jac was just busy being king...that was all. Besides, it wasn't like she was always looking for him anyway. She had other people to hang out with. She didn't have to be so dependent on Jac anymore, especially now that she had met Heath, someone that she increasingly wanted to be with. The slender Majordomo pressed against Heath's chest affectionately before speaking again. She didn't want to talk about Jac at the moment, it would only make her worry about other things. All she wanted to do now was focus on Heath, and being with him. A small smile crawled across her features just before she nuzzled the coy-wolf gently. "This is really fun, Heath. I'm having a great time." Of course, they had barely just begun, but that didn't matter to the blind optime. She was having a great time regardless, and she wanted to make sure Heath knew how happy she was.


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