ignorance is your new best friend

He never would have thought that he could be the cause of Savina’s tears. Tears of joy, tears of laughter, those were the tears the Marino man was capable of creating. Not these tears filled with hurt and the shock of betrayal. Ehno’s job was to wipe away her tears, to comfort her when she was troubled. He was the one she could depend on, the shoulder she could cry on no matter what the situation. And instead, fate decided to pull him into a situation that caused his sister such pain. And as the cause of her torment, there was no way he could comfort her. This wasn’t how things were supposed to be.

Ehno saw those tears and the reason he had been dreading this single moment came rushing back to him, causing a sharp pain to assault his heart. Those tears in her eyes and the way she pulled back and drew into herself spoke volumes louder than her barely managed question. Ehno’s instinctual reaction to that sight was to comfort her, to pull her in his arms and assure her that everything would be alright. But he couldn’t do that. Not now. Not after what he’d done. And as much as it pained him to betray his sister in such a way, he couldn’t regret his actions, not fully. He cared for Naniko, cared for her and guided her when no one else would, and that caring blossomed into something more. There were pups on the way. He could never regret them.

The chocolate hued male turned his head away, ears flattening against his skull shamefully and tense posture suddenly deflating. He couldn’t stand to see those tears in his sibling’s eyes. He had to hide the tears that were quickly gathering in his own amber orbs. "Provavo di aiutarla… provando di sostenerla come ha ricuperato dalla sua dedizione."He paused, swallowed audibly. How could he explain this? "Poi una notte quando eravamo insieme… esso giusto successo." Ehno’s voice shook, betraying the tears he tried to hide. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. Every time he imagined the day he would tell Savina that he was going to be a father, they were excited. Happy. They were supposed to be happy right now, damn it. Instead he was left feeling conflicted and bitter, while Savina fought back tears from sadness and betrayal. It was terrible.

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