A place to call home
Awh, don't worry about it, you sound really busy!


It was probably possible to become so accustomed to beauty that it wasn't even noticed anymore, but Hemming did not experience this. Each day he woke up, each time the sun went down and cast its colors across the sky, the wolf felt almost overwhelmed by its elegance, the subtle glamor the lands of AniWaya held. It was a particularly gorgeous place, the stalks of wheat waving in the distance, the occasional tree and the high grasses, and the male sometimes wondered if he ever got used to it. Even Dagrun, despite the thousands (millions?) of years she had been around, seemed rather fond of the place. Occasionally he could feel her chest swell with wonder. Smiling at Claire, who had brought these realizations to the surface, he nodded genially and said, "Yes. Always."

He hadn't been made aware of any rules after he had joined the tribe, and he hadn't really learned of any since. The AniWayan thought for a moment, as if to ensure he wasn't forgetting anything, before shrugging and chuckling a bit. Dawali seemed fairly relaxed about any rules there might be, though the ceremonies enforced a loose routine. More than anything, though, these ceremonies offered a chance to reflect on the past months, think of the coming ones, and to get together with the rest of the tribe. Hemming appreciated these meetings greatly. "Naw," he said at length, "Not really. Just be nice, considerate. Do unto others as you would have done unto you, you know.." The silvery male laughed again, finding his words amusing for some reason. He didn't exactly feel as if he was in the right place to advise a newcomer, but he had been in the tribe for about four months now, so he was on his way to understanding. That would come with time, and Claire would find it eventually as well.

kat made this! Big Grin

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