Devil's playground

Not your fault, he replied to Empusa in a conclusive tone, because it wasn't. It was his. He should have been the one to be more careful, but he quite obviously had not. As if that wasn't bad enough, a stranger had risked his life to save them. The whole ordeal seemed a blur now, and he could not remember the exact moment when the floor had given away with such little excess weight. The only thing he could remember was heading to the desk, and then waking up in darkness. It was probably for the best, really, just to push away the most traumatic bits. He recognized the fact that he could very well have died in there instead of being rescued, but he still felt invincible. If it were not for his injuries, the shock could wear away and it would be as if it had never happened.

Uh.. why? Why not trust wolves? He could understand that it wasn't the smartest idea to trust a stranger, but the girl had specifically mentioned wolves. Jesile had never been exposed to hate based on species, and so the concept wasn't one he could even conceive. It was baffling, really, and while he took the older male's words to be a sign that they should be getting back to Inferni, and safety, he wanted to be able to understood what they apparently understood automatically. What was more, he had never met Gabriel, and he wasn't sure Gabriel would even know who he was without an explanation. What would it matter to him if he socialized with a wolf?

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