careening shamelessly into oblivion
300+ They totally need to find a raccoon or something silly in here. XD

Excitement built up within Ehno as their little adventurous game continued. With an eager grin on his maw, Ehno followed his nephew into the building and continued his stealthy march down the hallway for a few paces. The boy brought up the prospect of monsters with a little grin of his own, and the idea seemed perfect to Ehno. "Ci potrebbe essere. Dovremo spaventarli appena se ci sono." The Uncle offered this suggestion in the bravest voice he could muster up. As the pair stalked along the abandoned hallway, the Italian man’s imagination took over, placing them in some compromised fortress in need of reclaiming. And who better to take up the mission than two adventurous and sneaky boys such as themselves? They could take down any monster foolish enough to oppose them!

The hallway itself held no interest for the chocolate hued male, as nothing but dust occupied its space. But the passageway led to many other intriguing prospects for adventuring. Ehno continued past a few of the doors lining the hall, but he stopped when he approached a room whose door was nearly falling off its hinges. "Mi domando ciò che è qui dentro," he mused aloud. Amber gaze searched for a moment for Gotham, reassuring himself of the boy’s location before he stepped into the dark room. What had once been a studious office was now a desecrated shell of its former self. Furniture was tossed about and pushed into various places and hundreds of papers littered the floor. A strange, musty smell permeated the air, but Ehno couldn’t identify it.

A scuffling noise grabbed the Marino’s attention, his ears perking instantly at the sound. At first he wondered if it was only Gotham shuffling his paws along the dusty concrete floor, but he boy was beside him, nowhere near the source of the sound. He whipped his gaze to the opposite side of the room where the noise popped up again. Ehno took a single step toward it and the noise abruptly stopped, filling the room with a palpable silence. Perhaps they weren’t alone after all. Ehno looked back to his nephew and motioned toward the chair and toppled over desk in the corner of the room. "Penso che possiamo aver trovato il nostro mostro," he whispered.

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