If you're dreaming are you dreaming of me?

In some strange, twisted way, it was meant to be. There had been signs, perhaps all throughout her life, that a relationship of this caliber would and could only grow between one of her own blood. The angelic daughter of a cousin she had perhaps been too close to, after a brother she surely had, damed by the feisty were that had given her her first taste of lip and tongue. It was forbidden and taboo, Poe was sure of that, but perhaps that had helped her to propel further. So far as to obey the sweet plea of her lover into a pack, into the structure she had come to believe she was not built for. But this, this soft body and innocent eyes, pulled her with such force to disregard it all.

"Chilly?" she asked from the dark reaches of their now-shared den, with lazy eyes and a warm smile that emerged from the haze of sleep. Her eyes drifted dreamily to the firelight that moved across the expanses and curves of Naniko's soft, damp fur in a manner that hurried her form the fogginess of sleep into an arm-stilting seated position.


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