The Path Becomes as the Tongue of a Snake
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        "So it goes with monsters," he replied easily, not missing a beat. He held nothing but disdain for Dahlia's second-in-command and he had no qualms voicing his own thoughts on the matter. When Anselm felt as strongly about something as he did this issue, it could be a real task to get him to shut up. For the most part, the bronze hybrid knew what he liked and what he didn't--and furthermore, why--and just because his views conflicted with somebody else's bubble of reality he saw no need to silence them. "Now, now, I'm entitled to my own opinion--just as you're entitled to pledge loyalty to a cold-blooded murderer," he grumbled--though his tone was definitively bitter, it was clear that the malice wasn't directed toward her. Clearly he thought this should be enough--he didn't need permission from his enemies to be friends with theirs.

        "Met him?" he remarked with a sharp Hah! "Something like that. Knew him even before that when I found the dead bodies of a mother and child he'd killed and put up on display; guts everywhere, the pup hanging from a tree. And then I guess I 'met' him again when he kidnapped my niece. Didn't actually see his face until the battle he lead on Inferni's soil, though." Here his teeth clicked together as his jaws shut with a snap, the fur along his spine bristling slightly on instinct. She could say what she liked, but Anselm knew his hatred was absolutely and entirely justified. "Anyway, I guess he thought that it was all appropriate retaliation for his sister being attacked after she trespassed onto our land," he concluded, guessing she'd want to know of the initial event that had triggered all of the mayhem.

        "So how's that for a history lesson?" he remarked bitterly, though a glimmer of life danced through his otherwise darkened gaze. "You're cool, though," he added simply, daring to nudge her very gently with his snout. In reality, he'd never met any Dahlians as objectionable as Haku--heck, he'd gotten along just fine with Kol back in the day. Even through his thick prejudice and hatred, Anselm knew better than to persecute the collective for the actions of one. For the first time in awhile his gaze dropped to the two puppies and he sighed in defeat. If only he'd known the details of the situation between Cwmfen's lover--their father--and the irate beta, he'd go so far as to suggest she keep them safe from the lilium. Haku obviously valued the lives of children as much as he valued his own sanity; there was no way he was above the slaughter of an enemy's offspring.

        Blinking back to the warrior who'd risen before him, he got to his feet and followed her in line with the children. He kept a safe and reasonable distance as they marched single-file into the vegetation, ears back and tail held low. He wondered what would cause such a strong woman to submit to the demon; surely he was beneath her? It seemed his fury had been exhausted, however, and he truly wished not to dwell on the subject a moment longer. It would get him nowhere. For now, he was content to follow her instruction and lead; he was a passionate individual, but he'd always been content to follow those he viewed as competent and capable--he was no leader. This wasn't any different.

perfectly fine, I've managed to catch a bastard of a cold or flu or something, so I've gotten a bit behind, anyway xX

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