the litter and the leaves
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Well, that explained things a fair deal. Four-legged fights were nastier, you couldn't get out of the way, and if both parties were willing, both of them would get chewed up a fair deal. What bothered him more was that it was difficult to get any better because so much relied on straight, bull-headed willingness to plow through personal damage, which--admittedly--he had plenty of. In the fights he'd had on all fours, he had done well because he had so much padding, and so much power. He could usually get on top of his foe and from there the fight was easy if they hadn't managed to latch onto his face or neck.

He laughed at her comment about her brother, but it didn't make him feel much better about it. Over time, it seemed like she had definitely taken the worst of it, though without her brother to compare, he supposed it was impossible to say. For his part, his serious fights had all been by necessity, not familial quarrels; he felt that he hadn't taken a single wound needlessly. He'd had a semi-serious bout with Skoll in the bronze wolf's tournament, but that hadn't gone so well.

"Well, I'd guess you know that becomin' a werewolf isn't all that hard? All you need is a blood-swap of some kind, or a blood-bath, I guess, where lots of their spit gets into your wounds. Barring that, havin' sex with one will also pass it over to you." He said this relaxedly, but started after a moment, his face wrinkling as he laughed at his own slip. "Not that I'm making offers, Finn, got a loving mate back home. As for what I'm doin' out here, that's a less than happy thing, 'fraid to say." His big smile faded, and he cast his eyes down for a moment, before meeting hers again and continuing.

"Friend of mine by the name of Skoll passed on here about a year ago. I meant to come earlier, but havin' to run a pack slows down yer personal plans. Figured I'd wait until some of his other friends were free, and we're all comin' up together. Scoutin' ahead myself to find the trail so our number don't alarm anybody when we stumble into the wrong place." He would have asked her if she had known him, but he thought that she'd say something if she recognized the name. "He was a real character. Meanest in a fight I ever saw, though apparently not meaner than the wolf who got him. Only person I can think of who's got you matched in scars."

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