ignorance is your new best friend
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sad ;.; 500+

She wanted to be happy for him. She had always wanted to be happy for him, but now she couldn't. How could she when he had gone and done this with the one woman who had caused her so much pain and self doubt. The roots of her conflict with Naniko went further back than the incident with the drugs. Nobody else knew that know, and they couldn't understand, not unless they knew the truth. But the same evidence that would make her feelings make sense would be damning to her mate. The sable femme wanted to yell it out though. She wanted to scream it in his face so he could understand how much this truly hurt her. Despite how much she wanted it she couldn't find the words though. All she could do was close her eyes as the tears poured from them like a fountain, her face contorted at the pain of it all.

Savina listened to her brother's words but they only made her stomach turn and she was overcome with nausea. Horrible pictures of Ehno and Naniko together flashed behind her eyes, torturing her more. She could feel her nails digging into her skin, trying to distract her mind from the images. Would she ever be free of the D'Angelo? Would her happiness ever not be tainted by her? What had she ever done to deserve this? She had stood by Naniko's side always. Always defending her, always supporting her. First she had been unable to be happy about the fact that she had found someone to spend her life with and then she had gotten into those damn drugs and scarred her daughter. The thought of Cambria made anger flare up in her and it grabbed onto her tongue. "Che di sua nipote? Che della porzione e la sostenendo?" What about me? Why had she been more important? Emerald eyes burned beneath her tears. "Avrei potuto perdere mia figlia a causa di lei! E lei..." Her head shook from side to side and she buried her face against her knees, the anger retreating as quickly as it had come and she was taken over again by the hurt and the sorrow.

Her breaths came shakily, sobbing every so often, her shoulders shuddering. Why? Why had the gods done this? Why had they allowed this to happen? Just when her family had finally been brought back together it was being torn apart again in a way she had never imagined. As much as she hated this though, and as much as she really didn't want the ex-Commander back in the pack, what other choice did she have? They were as much Ehno's children as her's. They would be her nieces and nephews. She wouldn't and couldn't leave them out there. Finally after a while without moving her head she spoke up again. "Quando farà è ritornata..." The words were spoken with defeat and resignation. She didn't have the slightest inkling that things were worse than she knew.


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