my lullaby, hung out to dry

     Hellz to the yeah! ;D 300+

     It was a siren call and it filled her ears and clouded her thoughts. It choked out the good in her life and highlighted the bad. The pain of Ehno's betrayal washed over her and choked her, filled her nose and lungs with acidic bile. It burned her heart and tore at her soul. If felt like she were blind Oedipus, assaulted by the Furies. But what crime had she committed to offend the gods so? What had she done to deserve this agonizing wrath? The woman had only ever tried to do what was best for her family and her pack. She couldn't stand by and allow Naniko to wallow in her addiction and drag all of the rest of them down with her. She had betrayed them, not the other way around. She had taken advantage of their trust and Savina had nearly lost her daughter in the process. She had regained her child but now her brother was being torn from her. She couldn't do this, carry the weight of the world upon her shoulders. She was not strong enough.

     The slender fey stood up in the constantly moving water, her eyes diving into its depths. For a moment she submerged her head beneath the surface. Sounds became muffled, though she could feel the rhythm of the sea more acutely; it pounded in her skull. She stayed this way until her lungs screamed for air and her head was thrown back and she gasped, allowing the oxygen to fill her again. The cold, salty water dripped from her face and ears, though she didn't shake it off. The waves continued to pull at her and she looked back out towards the horizon. Towards eternity. Would things be better there? She thought of her homeland. Of its warm air and waters. Perhaps she never should have left. All the blessings of this land seemed to turn against her now. She was alien, and they wanted to take from her all she held dear.

     Just as she was about to take a step further into the tide a voice called out her name. Her body froze. Slowly and almost mechanically her head turned to look at the wolfess on the beach. The one who had stood by her side in this ordeal. She knew. She knew that they had done what had needed to be done. Was Anu suffering as she was? She hoped not. She would not wish this turmoil upon her. "Even now I can't escape her. Even now she tries to hurt me. She struck at me in a place I never thought anyone could..." The Commander's voice was as hollow as her eyes and she looked up to her Lt. General.


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