Step up to the Plate...RVH[aw]
Nah tis okay Tongue

Angel smiled as she looked down to her little foxen friend as he began to eat the free fish he was handed. "Well, when the rain was pouring like it was for some time, I found him wounded quite bad. A broken leg with the bone protruding from the bone. Its taken a while to heal but it is doing such nicely and he hasn't wanted to leave my side. He can't really until the cast comes off anyway." Angel chuckled as she stroked his back while he licked his lips. She still had not thought of a name for him and that needed to change, but until the cast came off she would not allow herself to get attached quite yet.

"And yes, I have had a bind with the Phoenix family. I just hope I get to see her again soon. I sure miss them." Angel smiled as she thought about it and what the Aniwaya lands might be like. Checking her fish, Angel lifted some of the flesh up to see if it was cooking and then took out some seasonings she had within her bag; Rosemary and Thyme. Two of her favorites. She set them down in case if Ty wanted any. She even laid out a little salt and pepper and some butter she had received from her fridge within her cabin. Yes, she now had a lovely cabin. Apparently a family was no longer using it and seeing as it was a place that humans wished not to be around the luperci, she figured they abandoned it and took it for her own.

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