And when the troubles arise, we hold on tight
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500+ words.

######The call came as a surprise to her, but it seemed like a happy song, indeed. A call for a celebration was upon the air, but of what, Princess didn't have the faintest idea. Regardless, she would go to where the call came from, excited at the prospect of meeting new members of her pack for the first time. Though she had met a few, she knew there were plenty of them that she had yet to meet. Maybe she would even get the chance to meet Savina's other two puppies, Cambria and Gotham! That would be a very good thing, since she had already met Amata on her own. Someday, she would meet all of them, and any other puppies that might be born into the pack. Along with hoping to meet those two youngsters, she wanted to meet the other leader, Anu, and she really hoped that her brother might hear the call and attend, since she hadn't seen him in such a long time. It had been almost a month, in fact, since she had even seen him in passing, and she hoped that would never become the norm. She'd moved here for him.

######She had been moving towards the source of the sound without much thought, and as she approached, she took in the sight of the area with wide, vibrant eyes. Whoever had put this together really knew how to make things look nice! Looking from face to face of those already gathered here, Princess only recognized two of them as people she knew; Mati, Haven's sister who probably still hated her, and Savina, who she hadn't seen in a while, either. The other four gathered were unknown to her, but she was sure that she would get to know them soon enough. However, to curb the awkwardness that she was afraid would blossom, Princess walked quietly, hoping to keep the peace, towards Savina and the large black man that held her tightly. When all else fails, go for familiarity, right? It wasn't as if she was worried about those that she had yet to meet, but she did so hate to feel out of place. The option of going to Mati was also available, but she was afraid that it may not end well, given the circumstances.

######It was okay with her that she did not know many of those in the small circle, because she assumed she would know them soon after this celebration was over. But what was this celebration for? It was beyond her realm of knowledge, of course. "Hi, Savina. . . What's going on?" She was new to the pack, so she couldn't expect to know exactly why they had been called together. As an after thought, she added, "Oh, and I met someone a while ago, when he saved me, and he told me to tell you he said hi. I think his name was Anselm?" Actually, she knew his name was Anselm, but she wanted to make sure Savina would be happy to hear from him before she gave any confirmation. On the bizarre chance that Savina would not want to hear from Anselm, she could always say that she had the name wrong, and make one up or something. Maybe a member of Dahlia that she knew and that Savina had mentioned, although Cercelee and Anselm were far too different for her to actually confused. Hopefully, it would not come to that.

Table by Marie!

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