All except when 'neath the trees of Eden

Psh, no worries! I'm sure I'll be making you wait as well <3 I saw, poor beat up thing :o

     Onus was hardly oblivious to the danger that staying within the Dahlian borders posed to him, but he did not fear the Soul male. He had defeated him before. The coyote was not arrogant in thinking he could easily do so again, but he had withstood the evil of Corvus Vendetta; he could withstand that of Haku Soul. It was this very fact that made him stay so close to Cwmfen and the twins. He knew that the brute would want the children to be dead almost as badly as he wished him dead. So he stayed, and he watched them. He would die before letting that creature lay a claw on either Honor or Chastity, and if he did die he would do all he could to take the man down with him. It would be one less shadow to haunt his family. If in sacrificing himself he could keep them safe then he would gladly do so. Though he had a feeling that the brown wolf underestimated him. Perhaps it was because he was a coyote, or was not in a position of power. Both were mistakes. Underestimating your opponent was always a mistake. Haku had not found him within these lands yet, and Onus meant to keep it that way. He had told the alphess he would be little more than a shadow here and he had kept that promise. No other Dahlian had come across him but for Cwmfen and the pups.

     Other things occupied his mind currently though, such as the cawing flapping raven in his grasp. The bird was a deceiver and had betrayed his love. For that, in the man's mind, it deserved to die. Though a voice called out and his ears flicked back to catch it. Why would she tell him no? Why did she want the life of the useless creature spared? Slowly his head turned to look at her questioningly. He saw her reach out for the damned thing, though she did not move forward. Everything inside of the man told him to kill the bird. It had betrayed them once and should not be given the chance to do so again. Corvus may be gone, but a rat couldn't change what it was. He made no further move to harm it though, his hand stayed on its leg firmly. He watched Cwmfen, taking in her gaze and her movements. The vigilante did not wish to obey her request, but he found himself unable to continue either. For a moment he looked to the twins, then back to her.

     Grunting, he released the raven's leg and sat back down, his back against the tree. "I do not trust it. Neither should you." Yes, he had let it go, but that did not mean it had changed his opinion any and she needed to know this. The father looked back to his children and his eyes told them the same thing. The bird was not to be trusted. Their dichotomous eyes looked at him, but they were still confused as to what this all meant. Onus looked back to Cwmfen once more, the disapproval still clear on his features. It would not be clear to one who did not know him, but to her it would be resounding. Arms crossed over his chest, waiting for an explanation though he was almost certain he would get none.


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