careening shamelessly into oblivion
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Haha, yes! I love this thread. :3


Wait - what had Uncle Ehno just said? It was possible to scare off monsters? Gotham always thought they were the ones doing the scaring, and it couldn't be the other way around. This new thought empowered him, and the boy grinned and puffed out his chest a little. It was very good to have this information, because now if monsters ever scared him he would have a good plan for counterattack! Trying to mimic Uncle Ehno's brave voice, Gotham bellowed out, "Mostri, siete cauti!" He had, once more, forgotten to be quiet and careful, but now he knew they could be scarier than the monsters. They didn't have to be all that sneaky, either, because everything that was in there was practically trapped with them! That was how Gotham justified his outburst, at least.

His adventuring companion's curiosity made the boy curious, as well, and he peered into the decrepit room too before following Ehno in. "Anch'io," he whispered, the dimness of the room making quiet seem necessary. It was very strange looking inside, nothing like Gotham had ever seen. He stared wide eyed for a moment, looking over the paper, an upside-down chair, a cracked desk. The slightest bit of fear wriggled about in Gotham's toes, and he lifted and set down each paw in turn as if to stomp it all out. He didn't have to be scared! The monsters would be scared of him!

It was easier to think that thought than actually put the plan into action, though, and when Gotham first heard the scratchy noise from the corner his tail flicked between his legs. No! he scolded it, and forced it to rise again. Show no fear! Here were the monsters they had been thinking of before, and now the boy had to prove to his uncle that he actually was a brave little pup. "Facciamoli paura!" he whispered urgently, looking up to Ehno for a moment before looking back to the corner.

Requiem made this ♥

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