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Poe on the other hand, had grown up with an increasing awareness of the far reaches of the D'Angelo blood. Chimera had been a stronghold for them, and they had bloomed through and out of the forest it had once claimed. The moaning woods were stale and empty now, though, and Poe was opting to believe that the D'Angelo population was following the same fate. But there stood a cousin, alive and well, chatting away. It took Poe a moment to drag herself from her sleepless, wine-diluted state and catch up with Naniko's words. "Knowing how to sew just a bit helps a lot," she said with a nod. She had learned how to stitch and hem quite some time ago, and since the mystique of the city had begun to wear off in her, she had been learning how to cut and sew pieces from raw materials. The fabric store in the north end had become a known haunt, now.

Poe glanced down the stream of water after her discarded bottle when Naniko mentioned the alcohol. Perhaps it had gotten stuck in the reeds--a wish snagged just beyond reach, she thought with a small beat of laughter."Ah, that. That was wine. It's about all I drink." She glanced back to Naniko once again. It had been a while since she had heard anyone speak of Physe, and it stirred a short-lived hope that he was still in the area. But she thought she knew better, assuming that he had escaped these parts finally, entirely unaware and unprepared to hear of his true fate. The old orange boy was happy somewhere else, in her imagination. "What are you doing all the way out in these parts?" she asked, social nature slowly ebbing back in.

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