i couldn't protect her [J]
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... rmor_t.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
Welcome Smile 300+

He shouldn't be out, not right now. There was a serious mess of a storm coming up and he needed to get Drogon back to the stables before it broke. The border patrol was almost done though. It was a task that Haven didn't like to leave unfinished. There hadn't been any serious problems for the pack so far, but he wasn't about to take any chances. It was his duty to protect everyone and make sure their boundaries were secure and free of unwelcome intruders. It was getting dangerous now though. Wind buffeted against the horse and rider and rain was stinging into his jade eyes. There was a clap of thunder not too far off and the stallion reared up, whinnying. "Whoa! Whoa! Easy!" He held tightly onto the rains so as to not fall off the spooked horse. "Calm down," he said, patting the dark brown neck of the creature. "Let's go back, it's going to be okay." Heels nudged gently into the mustang's sides and they wheeled around to head back into the heart of the territory.

The Knight had been expecting that nothing would come between them and a swift return, but it seemed that was not to be the case. There was movement in his periphery and at once the hybrid became alert, eyes locking onto the intruder. His face became hard and he pulled on the reins to lead Drogon in the direction of the stranger. The stallion resisted at first, wanting to go nowhere but the security of the stables, but Haven yanked again and he gave in. The distance between them and the unknown wolf was close quickly as the horse and rider stopped in front of the man, blocking him from traveling further in. "Where do you think you're going?" His voice was stern, transmitting the fact that this male was treading on very thing ice.


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