scavenge what you will [p]

500+ words.

#####Lifting his head sharply, Vigilante took in the sight of the wolf on all fours, something he did not see as often as he used to before coming to this area. Evidently, judging from the very slight difference in scent, she was a regular wolf, a rare sight as well. At least, the difference in scent was something he guessed was there, never quite sure, but he was usually correct. It was safer to assume that they could not shift if they were not shifted, so as to not offend them by saying something about it. The hand that was not dripping blood was lifted to shield his eyes from the small bits of light peeking through the dark clouds of the morning, the strange light stressing his eyes a bit. It was strange how cloudy light could sometimes be a bother, but it was such today. The air had been cooling with the approaching autumn season, and coupled with the off and on rains that scattered the lands, he was wary of the clouds in the sky, predicting that they may well just give out overhead sooner, rather than later.

#####"I've had worse," he said, tone dismissing the wound on his hand, knowing it to be incredibly truthful. There had been points in his life where he had feared for his life out of the wounds he had acquired from various missions. A cut, no matter how much of his palm it covered, was hardly something to worry about. It was just an inconvenience, regardless, because the sting was noticeable and he had been hoping to gather as much scrap metal and potential tools as he could today. t was unfortunate that he would have to take it easy on his hand for a few days, but it wouldn't present too much of a problem, he was sure. It would just be harder to carry things back home with him later was all he could think of that could be considered problematic. If it came down to a matter of need, he knew he could leave anything he found here until another day, since it had been here for years upon years and it likely wouldn't be moved by the next time he came to this strange human city to bring it back to the pack lands.

#####Realizing that he had spoken without his normal air of formality, the malamute-shepherd man smiled sheepishly, turning to face her while remaining crouched comfortably. He would have offered to shake her hand, but as she didn't have them at the moment, it would have been a little useless to offer his hand in greeting. No matter; it seemed to be a practice that was uncommon in these parts, anyway, so it was something he had not been doing with every meeting as he once would have. "I do apologize, for I seem to have forgotten my manners. I am Vigilante Haskel, and you are?" Hopefully, she would not have anything to say about his name, as it generally led to awkward conversation. It was not something he was willing to change, but it was a predicament when it was brought to light. Likewise, he hoped she would not be thrown off by the way he spoke, as many did not speak in such a manner, it seemed.


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