Get up, get up, drop the BOMBSHELL

OOC:: I always forget to put and OOC note. It's like I can't remember to no matter what I do D: Yeah she is in her wolf form. I'm so horrible with these things don't be surprised if I forget to delete it in my next post LOL]

Svara pinned her ears as Jac seemed to react to her change. She knew he would, that he would want the fire. Her mouth watered, but she held back even as her paws itched so bad. Her body was on fire she was cursed with this pain. Nothing but a....A wave of rage rolled through her when she thought of the label that had been casted on her when he had done it to her. She'd come to the only place she thought she could relieve the pain of it. Still she had no intention of letting it take hold of her so esialy.

No he didn't change. The red she wolf shifted, refusing to get to her paws. He approached breaking the distance so he was close now, his heat was breaking her consentration. Yellow eyes shifted away ever so slightly her face blank while she faught inside to hold back to keep from taking that step. He was going to try to get a rise out of her? His words were meaningless. Leroy wasn't any of her concern, she didn't care about the mongeral that way. "More mongerals for the pack." Her eyes returned to him but not before she licked her lips.

Her own inner demons were attacking her and it was all the spirit she could do to not turn into a useless fool. If she was smart she would prove to him she had that fire still, but Svara didn't know if she could hold back when she approached him. Her face still a solid mask she got to her paws and eliminated the distance between them leaving nothing but the sea breeze. She wished she could change, but that was to much and she knew she couldn't control the hunger. Looking with dangerous farel eyes to his black orbs she finally let her equally cruel grin seep onto her features. "I never change." She admitted repeating his words.


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