your bones and teeth and skin

no worries. college is painful -hugs-

Although Alacrity felt she had been obvious in her approach, the younger male started when she spoke. She instantly felt bad, because he grimaced and hunched as if in pain. Alacrity stepped forward instinctively, her face wearing an expression of concern. She bit back the reflex to ask if he was okay, because he was very clearly not -- it didn't take her long to notice the burn marks that trailed down his side.

"I'm sorry if I startled you," she replied after a moment, having used the time to properly translate her thoughts. Her English was clear but accented, and it was easy to mark her as a non-native (as if her appearance hadn't done the job already. Not wishing to alarm her company further, she halted before she got too close. She was not completely unaware of how bizarre her appearance was to the native population. "May I ask what happened to your side?"


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