my lullaby, hung out to dry

Where would she be? Anu understood the stepping stones that had brought her to where she stood at this moment in her life’s road. She understood that it was each decision that she had made that created the woman she was, that dubbed her as a second in command when she had never though she could leave the omega rank. If she had not followed her heart then she would have never left to be in Crimson Dreams, she would never have become the friend of Savina and she would have never been able to over come the hardships that her heart had placed on her. Such things would never change, Anu would always been a fool to her emotions and it was Savina that steadied her in that rocking tide. She could not imagine what had driven her friend to wish to stand in the waters of their coastline.

Her voice, broken in tone and cut by the crash of the waves. Anu looked on, worried that she would be lost in the ocean. Unable to reach her the lean fey moved into the waters, feeling the shock of the cold and the pull of the tide. It was intriguing, calling her with its undertow. Her fragile form could have been swept away by the waters, yet Anu moved through them with determination. Her heat pounded, awoken by the adrenalin that rushed though her system. It filled her ears and battled the voice of the sea.
“Savina!” She called, fighting the current slowly. It was not hard to know whom she spoke of, but Anu knew not how she had hurt Savina once again.

Pale hands reached for her friend, hoping to pull her from the water without invitation. The trial, the confusion brought an anger to Anu that was uncharacteristic. It was the same that she felt when confronted by a chosen few, it was bitter and hateful and yet sweet to release the emotion that was too easily bottled inside. Willfully Anu pulled her arm in hopes of uprooting the raven fey’s own determination from it’s hiding place. The waters clung to her fur, and for an instant she wondered if they would both drown at this moment. Blue eyes, a storm of unknowing caught the jade that her leader held. As hard as she seemed to try again and again, she would not kill them both this night.


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