i won't be saved
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Sofia only knew that the birds she chased were seagulls because of her fascination with birds as a child. Calypso and his daughter had spent many a long night studying a giant picture book with tons of various birds. She wouldn't have had much luck with the book on her own; reading was a frustrating activity for the dyslexic child, but Sofi remembered her father reading out the various names, his warm voice filled with love. God, but she missed him. That was something safe to dwell on, at least, because as much as it hurt to think of never seeing her father again, there was sort of a grim satisfaction in the pain. Better she hurt like this, than to tear his heart out by forcing him to witness her death. That was the right thing to do, right? It had to be, she had no time left to second guess her actions.

Geneva's playful refusal to answer her question caught her off guard, a little, but Sofi recovered swiftly. As much as she hated to be denied knowledge, she probably would have more fun this way, being able to discover this stuff herself. The other female then proceeded to open the door, and with her beckon Sofi followed her inside. It was much darker inside, and it took her bright green eyes a few moments to adjust enough to see anything. Actually, it was a little creepy, and she was very glad that she had someone else there with her. Otherwise, she wasn't sure if she would have been able to actually work up the nerve to climb up the stairs she picked out working their way around and upwards. Sofia sneezed at the dust they had unsettled in the process of entering; easy as it had been to get here, it looked like not too may wolves actually ever bothered to do so.

"You.. you wanna go first?" Sofia suggested, staring pointedly at the uncertain looking stairs. It was the first time hesitation had entered her voice at all, but she was still going to push forward. She wasn't about to look like a scaredy-cat in front of this other pretty female.

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