i couldn't protect her [J]
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee19 ... rmor_t.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">
:3 And yay October! October is my favorite <3 300+

It might have been a mix of goodness and pity that lead him to offer the spare room. The man needed a place to stay, at least for a while, and in such trying times it was better to have some sort of company even if it weren't familiar company. It was the people around you that really helped you through the hard times. While Haven hadn't expected such a thing to drop into his lap, he didn't regret it. Focusing on helping another would help ease his mind from his own problems. It would also, admittedly, be nice to have someone finally occupy the other room of his house for a time. While he had done his best to eradicate any trace of his once love every now and then he would still catch a whiff of her scent coming from the room. Hopefully the scent of this stranger would finish the job of erasing the traitorous coyote from his life.

He held his hand out before the flames, letting its heat seep into him through his palm and fingertips. The line between the fire and the back of his hand was blurred, their colors mixing and matching so easily. When he had been little he had loved how unique his coat had been, but after finding out about his sire it had seemed more like a curse than a gift. Thankfully he had never been mistaken for Conri and he hoped that day would never come. The fewer that knew about his lineage the better. He didn't want to be connected to such a monster. Haven nodded quietly at the older wolf. He wished there were more he could do, but if company was all that was needed he was glad to provide it. "It's good to meet you Locke." Too bad the circumstances aren't better though, he added silently in his head.

The fire was healthy and growing and so the hybrid stopped crouching in front of the hearth and sat down, criss-crossing his legs. He turned to face Locke, trying to find some words to say. Talking about what had happened didn't seem like the best thing for the moment. The wound was so fresh that talking about it would only open it more. "Do you have a pack?" The Knight wasn't able to detect any smell of a pack on him, but that didn't necessarily mean he didn't have one.


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