I Saw the Future Whirling Around

She was tired of being unhappy. So very tired. Just the thought of continuing as she was now placed a weight on her shoulders and made her wish that it would just end. There was a distance that was threaded through their closeness, and it hurt Mati more then she cared to understand and truly realize. It was painful that he said no to her offer, and yet the woman was growing wiser each day and with each hardship. With that glint of wisdom she knew that it was best that he stay where he was. It was not the same, but similar to his first downfall. Returning to Crimson Dreams would be a step backwards for him, a step closer to the safety that Mati believed existed there (even if that was a hollow belief), but not in the direction that Haven needed to go in.

        Mati nodded, and even attempted a small smile. She knew that he did. She knew that he would refuse, and yet why did her heart sting? Her own mother refused to return home, leaving, and in Mati’s mind, never coming back. To know why she left and to know what kept her away would break her heart. But at times ignorance was certainly bliss. Perhaps it would have been better knowing that Haven had not gone back to drinking, not slept with the female that had twisted his sense of love another wrong turn. He did not need such influence. If he had only come to her first, she could have saved him the heartache, the humiliation that Ares had put him through. The humiliation that she had been put through. But Mati couldn’t make it right for her brother, especially if he didn’t seek her help.

        With his next words the Church woman did smile, softly yet fully. “I know.” She said, with honestly behind it. She wanted to believe that he would always be there for her, wanted it bad enough that she did believe. He had in the past, and though everything changed maybe that could stay the same. One thing in the world that could be true and honest and unchanging. “Will you come to me, if she ever hurts you…?” She asked softly, speaking of his newest romance. He would need to come to her first, for Mati would deal with her rightfully, in a way a male with as much honor as Haven possessed could not deal with a female. Mati smirked slightly as she thought about it.



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