i won't be saved

If my silence made you leave,
then that would be my worst mistake.

Geneva smiled ruefully as Sofia took her first steps into the light house. She followed after the lone female without a second of hesitation. She had been to this light house several times before. It was a strange, foreign structure. She tried to imagine what it must be like for Sofia to be seeing the inside of this circular structure for the first time. She could see how it might be a little unsettling, creepy even. It was dark and dusty. And it was also quiet, except for the sound of the wind and the water outside. It was almost like a deserted tomb.

The woman followed Sofia in, and her eyes scanned the circular staircase. Her eyes were drawn upward, into the darkness that comprised the ceiling. Sofia rounded the room and came to stand at the staircase. She seemed unsure of herself at this point. Geneva did not blame her. Although she had been raised inside of human structures, she to had found the light house to be strange the first time she had seen it. She rested her fingers lightly on the banister, leaving a trail of dust as she moved upward.

She walked up slowly, looking over her shoulder as if to say "this is okay and safe" to the female. She had been so adventurous outside. It would be a shame now for the adventure to come to an end. Geneva then spoke to calm the woman's fears. "I've been up here several times before. There are some strange human artifacts to see at the top." Her words promised mystery and fun. There definitely were human objects, almost in perfect condition except the dust.


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