dark coagulum
out of character
shooby doo op ...ohhi.

out of character
The girl kicked herself inwardly for not seeing the other coyote-dog sooner. The stranger was even in her Secui form, for God's sake. She felt like she'd been standing before a memorable statue and not even seen it until it magically spoke from white marble jaws. The creator, a seemingly angry artist, had slashed the clay into a form of obscure lineage, rife scars, and a missing eye. A single golden eye, multifarious in beauty, was all that remained of artistic perfection.

Bramble slumped her body in its sitting position and bowed her head for a moment before looking up, "Oh, of course not, ma'm. I was just looking to maim and kill adversaries in exchange for a place in the clan." She grinned and shrugged innocently, "That's all." Bramble thought herself quite humorous, but it certainly felt strange speaking with such frankness and jest to someone that could easily be her grandmother twice over. She didn't know why she'd spoken that way. The older one's attitude just gave off a spicy flavor that made Bram feel bold, too.

Back home all the senior citizens were kind of lazy, but still demanded respect, and boy did they love to nag. This "grandmother" seemed like she was ready to kick ass at a moment's notice. Heck yes she thought, If ever there was an idol for me... it would definitely be this one. "My name is Bramble, but you can call me Bram." That grin lit up her face again, and she thumped her tail against the ground. She exuded eager friendliness to the woman who probably had more enemies than friends, but she did not care- this bitch was cool.

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