Like an apple on a tree, hiding behind the leaves

lol! i had every intention of this being a 'short' post thread, for the sake of ease... but that doesn't seem to happen w/ you..
wait? whats going to happen???

A tardy bee hovered around her nose. You are late Anu thought. So very late. The blossoms had come some time again, and passed not long after their bloom. And yet he remained, hoping to find a flower as late as he was and pollinate it with the best of his efforts. Or perhaps he smelled the sweetness of the fruit on her fingers. Anu was only a wolf, and could not withstand picking the fruit without trying a small bite. She had chosen one with a bruise, hurt slightly on the outside and with a soft spot but it was sweet and tasted so wonderful that it spoke of the labor the Sun had given in order for it to grow. She could still taste the sugar on her lips, maybe that was what the bee wished for. Anu smiled, plucking the next apple in her reach. The branches around her were quickly stripped and with a fluid and practiced ease the female ducked below one of the low arms and moved to where she had not picked the tree bare.

It was the scent that took her eyes off the red bulbs that hung from the limbs. Her smile grew, for it instantly reminder her of the Dahlian that sang so sweetly to her heart. Eyes like water turned downward and saw the thing that had spoken to her nose. Her body moved to the ground, a knee on the soft dirt that knew her body so well, molding to her pressure like the hand of a familiar friend. It was a teapot, or so she thought. But it was not the container that told the story but the faces that smiled up at her. Summer was not forgotten, but held in their faces and their petals. Nimble fingers felt the satin of the petals texture, her heart beating sweetly yet quickly in response. There was only one that could give her such a thing, and Anu did not shy away from seeking the sight of her out among the trees that the Dreamer stood within.

Eyes did not need to search long or far. The chocolate wolfess stood just beyond the shadow the forest barrier cast, her bright cerulean eyes easy to catch and hold. Anu stood, forgetting the branches she stood among and yet missing each with ease. The apples were forgotten, the flowers a warm very distant memory for the moment. Her quest to pick perfection, to find sweetness within an imperfect shell so suddenly triumphant. Anu had sent her away in the rain of their last meeting, but the Sun shone above them this day and his glow warmed her back as her heart warmed her chest. Its beat fast, yet she heard not a single note, her smile was what spoke of her happiness to see her. Anu approached, glad that Coli had gained the courage to venture deeper into her territory. She would find no enemy here, for Anu ruled this pumpkin patch.

Anu did not remain an arms length away, Colibri Haki loved her and Anu would not shy away from the reality. The older female watched her face wanting to see that same happiness in it features as she felt herself. Her voice was light, her smile declaring her joy, her eagerness to be close.
“Colibri, what have you come to tell me?” The woman questioned, lightness and even humor in her tone. In the past she had felt sadness when speaking those words, dreading what she might say. But now, she only wished to hear her tell her how she felt, how ever simple or complex it way be. Together they were never simple, the words they shared heavy and holding hidden messages that neither could predict. How would now be any different?



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