Exodus 22
http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... tokyo3.png); background-position: bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding:15px; padding-bottom:0px;">
337 words, i shoulddd be faster now D:

Ms. Blue Eyes? Not too bad of a nickname, but it made her realize she hadn't actually introduced herself. True, she had had no real opportunity to do so, but his creative form of address presented her with one now: "The name is Tokyo Chance, of Dahlia de Mai." Said the female, her tone more polite and formal than previously. Really, though, she was mostly just stalling for time. Even Tokyo, as oblivious as she was to most attempted subtlety, could figure out by this point what he was baldly hinting at. But ughhhh, gross! The skull wasn't worth that, but she really really wanted to keep it. She sort of wanted to play dumb, to press him into actually blatantly asking, but she didn't want to annoy him.. And if he outright asked, then she would have to outright decline. Or would she have to? Could she somehow postpone the actual event, pretend to "delay" the payment, and then once her skull was safely hidden, get away with never carrying through?

It wasn't that she found him particularly unattractive, although her tastes did run a little more refined and well-kept. She just didn't find the idea of the action attractive. At all. It hurt, and puppies again would suck. "I have a bed in my den." She suggested, quite bluntly acting like she was accepting his offer, although quite cleverly (in her modest opinion) not actually lying. Because she didn't say anything about actually having sex in that bed. Although, okay, to be fair, she didn't really have a bed in her den either. So it was sort of a lie in that regard. But not in the sex-part! Tokyo was being super awesome clever. If she could get him back to Dahlia, she could then turn and chase him off the territory. And it was fairly believable that she wouldn't want to just lie with him on this ground, ew. How dirty she would get! And it would be even more uncomfortable than was necessary.

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